Author Archives for Natalie Howells

How can we harness AI creativity in CRM?

January 17, 2024 1:44 pm Published by Comments Off on How can we harness AI creativity in CRM?

AI is here and it’s not going away. How can we harness its power while maintaining the human connection that’s vital to CRM?

Data is people in disguise

February 10, 2023 11:54 am Published by Comments Off on Data is people in disguise

I recently wrote about how data and creativity work together. When I shared that post on LinkedIn, one of the comments from someone in my network really struck me. 

Does data diminish creativity?

August 15, 2022 5:04 pm Published by Comments Off on Does data diminish creativity?

As a company, we’re absolutely committed to the use of data across everything we do, so it was a great opportunity to see how other big brands tackle the same...